At DryPro Spain we guarantee the protection of the data of our clients and users.
In those cases in which the user requests information about services or products, or wishes to process claims or incidents, by sending resident forms on this website, or through the email accounts provided therein, it will be In any case, it is necessary to collect the personal data that corresponds to be able to attend to your request.
Said data will be treated with absolute confidentiality, being used for the purposes authorized by the user, within the framework of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and other concordant legal regulations.
The data you provide us is only used for the purchase process.
The user expressly authorizes DryPro to make communications and/or assignments to any companies belonging to the DryPro group for the purposes mentioned in the previous section. DryPro will not transfer the user's personal data to third parties, except if (i) it is in accordance with the terms and conditions of this privacy policy, (ii) the user consents to the transfer or, (iii) it is necessary to comply with legal obligations, including, but not limited to, providing data to courts of law, the police or other national or international security agencies. Third Party Social Plugins This website may use social plugins provided and managed by third parties.
DryPro does not control or approve the content of the privacy policies of the websites of said third parties, nor does it accept any responsibility for the use that said third parties may make of the data that users provide through them.
DryPro declares that it does not store any data related to our customers' credit cards. This sensitive information is or are processed directly through the secure Shopify Payments bank gateway, keeping DryPro oblivious to the content of said private information required during the payment process.